From the beautiful city of Singapore, Eton House International Education Group provides quality education services to 10 countries in Asia through its international schools, kindergartens and preschool teacher education programs.
Eton House International Education Group is registered with the Ministry of Education in Singapore and China and is a member of the Council of International Schools. Since its inception in 1995, the Group has opened more than 90 international schools and Etonian Nurseries in nine countries – Singapore, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam. More than 9,000 children from 61 different nationalities attend Eton. Eaton International Education Group is also constantly evaluating opportunities in Asia, the Middle East and other regions beyond the Middle East, looking forward to providing high quality education services to more regions and countries.
Eton House International School is an international school in Singapore that offers a bilingual primary school program, with English and Mandarin teachers in the classroom at all times. This greatly emphasizes the development of a bilingual and bicultural foundation among students. In addition, as part of the weekly curriculum, we offer language classes in Chinese, Japanese and Spanish (secondary only) and English as additional languages. In addition to the core academic subjects of English, mathematics, science and the humanities, the Personal, social and physical education program provides a comprehensive and well-rounded foundation. Study skills, personal and social skills, physical and health education, community service and personal inquiry time are some of the key elements of this personalized program, which provides students with life skills and essential connections to community projects.