SHRM College was founded in 2007 and formerly known as SHRM School of Hospitality & Resort Management. The College had its first intake of students in the Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management program in January 2008 and produced its first batch of graduates in January 2010. The College was first awarded its provisional EduTrust award by CPE in September 2010. We were awarded 4-Year EduTrust Certification in January 2015.
SHRM College collaborates with the Wrexham Glyndwr University, UK in offering the top up final year leading to the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management (Top-up).
The College offers the flagship Hospitality programme pathway under its School of Hospitality.
Diploma in Food and Beverage Management
Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management
Top up final year with the Wrexham Glyndwr University, UK, leading to Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management (Top-up).
To complement our Hospitality School, the College also has the School of Business offering the following programmes:
Advanced Diploma in Global Business Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
The College student population has a good mix of nationality from countries such as China, India, Mongolia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia. It is the policy of the College to have a good mix of nationalities for student development and cultural enrichment.